last updated: 29 august 2024
changelog: updated aki's and akane's trivias

click here for a google drive folder with high quality versions of these refs + notes + colors

welcome to the RCU (remmori cinematic universe)!!! character design/original characters are my lifelong special interest and i have 5 main ocs known as the main 5. i have other ocs/oc stories too but the main 5 are the ones i draw and talk about the most by far. this site is continually updated and i change and add things frequently.AKI & HARU (TIME MARCHES ON): aki and haru are a pair and their story is called time marches on (TMO for short). their relationship doesn’t really have a label but you could call them friends, boyfriends, partners, etc. their ship name is akiharu. TMO is set in a very large, heavily urbanized, dense, partially overgrown fictional japanese city and seemingly takes place many years after some kind of apocalyptic event that changed the earth's climate, causing frequent heavy rain and mutated plants that grow out of control. the city is roughly the same location as osaka and is a little larger than tokyo (tokyo and osaka don't exist in this universe). the story doesn’t take place at any specific point in time but the culture and technology are analogous to the 80s/early 90s. TMO pinterest board link at the bottom of this page.LUNA & SOL (AD ASTRA): luna and sol are a pair and their story is called ad astra (a latin phrase that means "to the stars"). like aki and haru, their relationship doesn’t really have a label but you could call them friends, girlfriends, partners, etc. their ship name is solluna. luna is a celestial being currently taking on the form of a human to try to understand humanity and sol is an ordinary human. the story takes place on earth in the 00s/early 10s. ad astra pinterest board link at the bottom of this page.AKANE: akane is a mary-sue-on-purpose, immortal, shapeshifting, dimension-hopping anomalous being of unknown origin that occasionally interacts with the others in their own universes (mostly to troll/bother them). she exists just for shits and giggles. if i ever get around to making a comic about her, it would be a comedy called hocus pocus and follow a sitcom-esque episodic structure where each chapter focuses on one of her various escapades. she has no influence on the plots of TMO or ad astra but she will make little cameos.TMO is my priority and i am currently working on writing it so aki and haru tend to get the most attention. although it’s my goal to make comics for all of them eventually, don’t expect anything soon or even anything at all because truth is i like character design and character writing but i may not be a very good storyteller and that's just the way the cookie crumbles. i'm trying to plan out the stories as thoroughly as possible so it will probably be years before i even start drawing TMO. because their stories are works in progress and things are subject to change, not all information about my ocs is available on here and nothing you read is 100% set in stone. for the same reason, none of them have exact ages yet but they are all at least 18 (except akane who is immortal and old as fuck).FANART IS ALWAYS WELCOME!!! please read all the notes on their refs and check out their additional refs album for more images that may be helpful. for more guidelines on drawing them check out my artfight!!!


click here for a google drive folder with a high quality version of this ref + notes + colors + additional refs


gender: male (he/him)
sexuality: gay
species: human
ethnicity: slavic, japanese
birthday: septemper 22
height: 5’8” / 173 cm
age: 18+
alignment: true neutral

likes: bitter/savory things, black coffee, cold brew, cats, drawing, cleaning/organizing, origami, sashiko (japanese embroidery/hand stitching), horror manga, nonfiction books, libraries, math, space/astronomy, bugs/arthropods, reptiles, the woods, hunting, camping, cold weather/winter, snow, hokkaido milk candy, bitter dark chocolate, onigiri, sashimi, meat, spicy food, hot/warm meals, curry, ramen
dislikes: sweets, alcohol, being touched, tight/revealing clothing, loud noises/people, crowds, surprises, hot weather/summer

stoic, reserved and unemotional. has trouble communicating/speaking; speaks quite bluntly and monotonely, mostly in short sentences, sentence fragments, or just single words (speaks in a way that keeps the number of words he has to say to a minimum). he tries to avoid speaking in general and is often very quiet; sometimes doesn't speak at all. distrustful of people and generally tries to keep to himself. does not emote or smile much which can make him a bit intimidating/off-putting. due to his blunt way of speaking, he often comes off as cold-hearted or rude even though he doesn't mean to be. despite his inexpressiveness, he has a sense of humor and is very sarcastic but has such deadpan delivery that people often can't tell whether he’s joking or not. tends to be overly pessimistic and cynical ("nothing matters" kind of attitude). adores cats and will frequently go out of his way to help them even if it's reckless; often puts himself in danger in general because he has no regard for his own safety and doesn't take his own life very seriously.born and grew up in a small town in northern hokkaido, raised only by his father from a young age. recently ran away and currently finds himself stuck in the large city the story takes place in (see introduction page for more details).



||||||||||brave ————————— cowardly
|||pacifist ———————— violent|
thoughtful ————————— impulsive|||
||agreeable ————————— contrary
||||idealistic ————————— pragmatic
||||||||||frugal ————————— big spender
|||optimist ————————— pessimist
||collected ————————— wild|||||||||
|diligent ———————— lazy||||||
||||||tough ————————— sensitive


|extrovert ————————— introvert|||||
|honest ————————— deceptive|
||leader ————————— follower
polite ————————— rude||||||
||||friendly ————————— intimidating
humorous ————————— serious||||||||}|

tech savvy——————————
street smarts——————————
handling animals——————————
pacifying children——————————
higher power|||||||||||||||||||——————————


movie: 2001: a space odyssey
show: none (doesn't watch tv)
book: dune
band/artist: toe
song: there is a light that never goes out - the smiths
color: dark blue
food: spicy tonkotsu ramen
drink: black coffee
ice cream flavor: none (doesn't like ice cream) (but if he did it'd be coffee)
chicken nugget dipping sauce: hot sauce
animal: cats
place: the woods
season: winter
thing: bones/bug specimens/curio


  • is very used to cold weather; body temp is cold and his hands are always cold to touch

  • expresses affection almost exclusively through gift-giving, favors, or other nonverbal actions

  • swears a lot

  • uses japanese neutral personal pronoun (私), neutral/non-gendered speech patterns and generally speaks very plainly with not a lot of use of flairs or inflections

  • hypermobile/hyperflexible

  • anemic

  • gets nosebleeds often

  • has that gene that makes you sneeze when you look at the sun

  • has sneezing fits; if he sneezes once he sneezes like five times

  • walks really quietly and often accidentally sneaks up on people

  • wears socks 24/7

  • red-green colorblind (protanopia)

  • draws only in ink/b&w bc he's colorblind

  • likes making origami, especially origami bugs

  • dislikes most sweets/candies but the one candy that he does like is hokkaido milk candy (it has a mild flavor and isn't too sweet and he also grew up with it)

  • has unusually high pain tolerance/threshold and fails to notice pain at times

  • scratches at his hands/arms as a nervous habit

  • bad at making eye contact and usually doesn't look at people when he's talking to them

  • lives under a rock; doesn't know any celebrities, barely consumes any media (movies, tv shows etc) besides manga, and is generally unaware of/doesn't understand modern pop culture. the only movies he's seen are 70s/80s blockbusters (star wars, jaws etc)

  • taught himself how to sew (sewed the patches on his jeans); prefers to mend his clothes rather than buy new ones and has held onto the same clothes and shoes for years. most of his clothes have holes and his converse are being held together by duct tape and superglue and prayers

  • spent most of his childhood at the library or exploring/hunting in the woods around his house

  • takes cold showers

  • never holds mugs by the handle, only by the mug part

  • wears only baggy clothes mostly in dark or cool/neutral colors; generally doesn't put a lot of effort into his appearance or wear much jewelry/accessories

  • has a very sensitive sense of smell

  • has very good aim (ex. darts, shooting, archery)

  • has a weak immune system and gets sick very often; struggles gaining weight or muscle and is physically very weak; has bad lungs bc of contracting pneumonia when he was young

  • very frugal about money and hates spending it unnecessarily

  • hates wasting food and will eat something even if he doesn't like it if it means not letting it go to waste

  • sunburns very easily

  • afraid of large bodies of water/swimming and is claustrophobic

  • loves bugs and never kills them/always catches them and releases them outside; gets a little sad whenever he accidentally steps on a bug. can look at almost any bug and name its species/genus and a fun fact about it. favorite arthropod (bug) of all time is tarantulas

  • only drinks black coffee or cold brew with no milk/creamer. drinks a lot of coffee but isn't a coffee snob; knows almost nothing about coffee actually. drinks mostly cheap shitty instant coffee/bulk pre-brewed coffee and doesn't like buying coffee from coffee shops (thinks it's too expensive)

  • not necessarily a germaphobe but likes to clean things and keep them clean; dislikes messy environments and will automatically start organizing things if they're disorganized

  • his sketchbook is falling apart at the seams, pages loose, corners fraying, spine and cover being held together by duct tape, dropped in a puddle, coffee spilled on it etc

  • has a lot of vampire traits (pale skin/sunburns easily, long nails, fangs/pronounced canine teeth, etc) bc he used to be a vampire oc for a long time

  • really bad at video games and cooking (it's not like he can't follow a recipe or learn how to play the game or anything he just has astronomically bad luck and something always goes wrong)

  • chronic insomniac; a morning person but not of his own volition, his biological clock doesn't let him sleep past 6am; usually gets up at 4-5am

  • frequently has very vivid dreams/nightmares and lucid dreams; dreams so vividly/lucidly that sometimes he has trouble separating dreams from reality and can't remember what was real and what was just a dream

  • left handed

  • has really bad handwriting

  • what's in aki's bag (large black cross-body bag w/ lots of pockets/compartments): hair brush, hair ties, cigarettes, lighter, swiss army knife, first aid kit, noise cancelling headphones, mini sewing kit, sketchbook, pencil case (could not fit a single pencil more, about to burst at the seams), "wallet" (a bunch of cash held together by a hair tie and coins in a ziploc bag), nail file, cat treats, manga

  • smells like the woods and coffee

  • “aki” (秋) means autumn, “kotov” means cat/cats

  • birthday is the autumn equinox (usually falls on/around september 22)


lilies (esp. white/pink lilies and red spider lilies), white cherry blossom trees, liminal spaces, sashiko embroidery, cats, blood/scratches/bruises, hunting rifles, cigarettes, smoke, fog, ink, snow, footprints in snow, blood on snow, forests, fallen/dead leaves, autumn, winter, black&white, outer space, spiders, moths, bones (esp. animal bones and deer skulls/antlers), graveyards, graffiti, brutalist architecture, black coffee

voice claim: kensho ono (specifically kensho ono as tetsuya kuroko in kuroko no basket) (in my mind his voice is slightly lower and scratchier like he has a cold, just use your imagination)

creator's note: aki is my favorite and i draw/talk about him the most by far. he is my girlfriend. he scratches some kind of itch in my brain. he haunts my every waking moment. he has fundamentally altered my brain chemistry and changed the trajectory of my life. if you draw him, ask about him, or reference him in any way i will commit myself to serfdom under your lordship. i was put on this earth to draw aki kotov. i forfeit all my mortal possessions to him. he is a gift bestowed upon me by god himself, or i am just a vessel through which some higher being manifests him, i do not know which. i don't think i could have come up with him on my own. there was divine intervention


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gender: male (he/him)
sexuality: bisexual
species: human
ethnicity: japanese
birthday: march 20
height: 6’1” / 185 cm
age: 18+
alignment: chaotic neutral

likes: cooking/baking, anime/manga, movies, literature, music, dancing, performing arts/theater, pottery, volleyball, guitar hero, dance dance revolution, hello kitty, clothes/fashion, shopping, sleeping/napping, candles, boba tea, sake, beer, fruit sandwiches, pastries, sweets, iced coffee, taro, matcha, red bean, natto, taiyaki
dislikes: bugs, spicy food, being alone

friendly, charismatic and outgoing. endearingly clumsy and awkward and a little bit stupid. has a nice voice and the propensity to talk a lot, so people are easily drawn to him and he quickly makes new friends, although he struggles feeling deeper connection to anyone and most of his relationships are superficial. despite this, he's highly social and needs to be around other people to the point where he has a phobia of being alone in a room for too long. very emotional and cries a lot; is prone to sudden outbursts of emotion. can be overbearing and excessively clingy. generally a kind person but is not above being harsh or rude if the situation calls for it and doesn't actually value his reputation that much. his upbeat and bubbly personality is mostly just a mask and he is actually a deeply miserable person. a pessimist trying so hard to be an optimist but failing. being held together by scotch tape and dental floss. he is one bad day away from completely losing it. sad wet cat pathetic babygirl archetype.born and grew up in the large city the story takes place in (see introduction page for more details), raised by an overworked and distant mother after his father left. has a younger sister junko (1-2 yrs younger) who went missing and an older brother tenjou (2-3 yrs older) who he does not speak to. currently a first year in college, working as a waiter and playing for local bands for money and living in a small run-down apartment by himself.



*book smart only. isn't very smart when it comes to thinking ahead or making personal decisions; often makes dumb impulsive decisions
**confident in his appearance but less confident in himself as a person

||||||||||brave ————————— cowardly
|||pacifist ————————— violent|
thoughtful ———————— impulsive|||
||agreeable ———————— contrary
||||idealistic ————————— pragmatic
||||||||||frugal ———————— big spender
|||optimist ————————— pessimist
||collected ————————— wild|||||||||
|diligent ————————— lazy||||||
||||||tough ———————— sensitive


|extrovert ————————— introvert|||||
|honest ————————— deceptive|
||leader ————————— follower
polite ————————— rude||||||
||||friendly ————————— intimidating
humorous ————————— serious||||||||}|

tech savvy——————————
street smarts—————————
handling animals——————————
pacifying children——————————
higher power*||||||||||||||||||——————————



movie: grave of the fireflies
show: cowboy bebop
book: no longer human
band/artist: spice girls
song: stay with me - miki matsubara
color: light pink
food: strawberry shortcake
drink: boba milk tea
ice cream flavor: chocolate chip cookie dough
chicken nugget dipping sauce: sweet & sour
animal: rabbits
place: downtown shopping district
season: spring
thing: clothes/fashion


  • very used to warm/humid weather; body temp is warm

  • good at cooking/baking

  • afraid of the dark, bugs, heights, and needles (and being alone but we already went over that)

  • has very low spice/pain tolerance and is a huge crybaby even when he gets just a small cut or scrape

  • played volleyball in high school and still plays casually

  • drives an old beige moped that he got secondhand

  • often hits his head on the doorframe when he enters a room bc some doors in japan are only 6 feet tall and he forgets to duck. has the soul of a 5'6 person trapped in a 6'1 body

  • very food-motivated; loves sweets and pastries and sugary drinks and has to buy himself a little treat almost every day

  • bad at managing money and often makes unnecessary impulse purchases

  • calls everyone "darling"

  • mainly plays guitar, keyboard and drums but can play almost any instrument that you put in front of him. also very good at harmonica

  • because of his phobia of being alone, he often spends lots of time at coffee shops, internet cafes, libraries etc

  • is slightly nearsighted and has glasses but doesn't wear them 90% of the time

  • tilts his head like a dog when he's confused or trying to focus

  • often stands with his hands on his hips and crosses his legs when he's sitting down

  • very disorganized and forgetful; often shows up to things slightly late

  • likes to accessorize his outfits; always wearing earrings and necklaces

  • has a habit of rolling his sleeves up to the elbow whenever he wears long sleeves (doesn't like the feeling of fabric touching his wrists)

  • keeps a journal and uses it to write down basically anything (diary entry, shopping list, recipe, lyrics, suicide note draft etc). all his journals are in horrible condition (spine bound by duct tape, pages falling out, coffee stains etc)

  • uses a mix of masculine and feminine japanese speech patterns/flairs (ex. uses the masculine pronoun 僕(boku) or 俺(ore) but ends his sentences with the feminine flair の or わ)

  • plays dance dance revolution like his life depends on it. probably in the world's top 100 ddr players

  • goes to pottery class on weekends

  • often oversleeps; sleeps like a brick and needs 20 alarms just to wake up. sleeps for like 12 hours a day or more on weekends

  • collects candles but not on purpose. every time he passes the candle isle in a store he just has to buy a candle. he cannot resist the temptation. his desk is covered in half-burned candles

  • gets attached to inanimate objects and struggles throwing things away; has boxes full of random stuff from his childhood and high school years that he doesn't need anymore but can't bring himself to throw away; has lots of stuffed animals that he is very attached to

  • what's in haru's bag (canvas tote bag w/ teddy bear keychain): journal, pen, lip gloss, hair comb, hand mirror, hand fan, wallet, book, weed, lighter, mini umbrella, candy bar, prescription glasses that he never wears, sunglasses, old receipts/wrappers/paper clips/rubber bands/loose change etc all at the bottom

  • smells like vanilla and flowers

  • “haru” (春) means spring, “himawari” (日廻) means sunflower

  • birthday is the spring equinox (usually falls on/around march 20)


the ocean, sunflowers, spring, butterflies, strawberries, acoustic guitars, pianos, music sheets, journals, old books, spirals, hearts, rain, clouds (esp. storm clouds), film cameras, landline phones, VHS tapes, records/record players, theater/performance stages, comedy/tragedy theater masks, spotlights, microphones, transparent curtains or windows w/ light filtering through

voice claim (sample 1): fujii reo (vocalist of omoinotake) (song: 東京falling)

voice claim (sample 2): fujii reo (vocalist of omoinotake) (song: 1992)

creator's note: i want to shove him in a locker and steal his lunch money. i want to bully him. i want to tie him to a ceiling fan and watch him spin around. i want to squeeze him like a stress ball. i want to put him in a microwave and watch him spin around on the little plate until he explodes. i want to put him in one of those protein drink shaker bottles and shake it as hard as i can. i want to hold him in my mouth and shake him around like a dog toy. i want to crumble him up like a piece of paper. i want to slap him against the wall like those sticky hand toys or like the sopping wet milk webkinz. i want to grab his shoulders and shake him violently. aki may be my girlfriend but haru is my wife. he is like a stupid orange cat to me. i need a ragdoll of him so i can throw it at the wall as a form of stress relief. he gives me cuteness aggression. he gives me regular aggression. his eyes get a little bit bigger every time i draw him. he is a child that dropped the ice cream cone they just bought and is starting to cry. he is an anime girl that goes kyaa and runs to school late with a piece of toast in his mouth. he is a soggy slice of bread. he is a single mother. he is the RCU resident slut loser malewife princess girlboss babygirl cringefail and punching bag


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gender: female (she/her)
sexuality: lesbian
species: celestial being
ethnicity: N/A
birthday: december 12
height: 5’7” / 170 cm
age: 18+
alignment: lawful good

likes: painting, rain, the harp, classical music, classical art/renaissance paintings, art museums, frilly/flowy clothing, skirts, cardigans, romcoms, artsy movies, autumn, antiques, tea, flowers, crystals, candles, trinkets, reading, soup, chai, baklava, tiramisu, chocolate
dislikes: loud noises, bright colors/lights, scary movies/things, strong coffee

a young celestial being who spawned from a glitch in the fabric of the universe and discovered planet earth, currently taking on the form of a human being to try to understand humanity. mostly keeps to herself and tries not to interfere in humans' business, acting as an outside observer. is often confused by human culture/society and doesn't understand most things. very timid and soft-spoken but considerate, rational and intelligent. very emotional and is scared of almost everything. is irrationally afraid of making mistakes or breaking the rules and is a bit of a pushover. often second-guesses herself and doubts her abilities before she even tries. an obsessive perfectionist and gets lost in the tiny details, but overall is very thoughtful and puts a tremendous amount of effort into everything she does. very interested in art and likes to surround herself with pretty things/trinkets/art/clothing etc. doesn't know why/how she exists and is constantly having an existential crisis.



||||||||||brave ————————— cowardly
|||pacifist ————————— violent|
thoughtful ————————— impulsive|||
||agreeable ————————— contrary
||||idealistic ———————— pragmatic
||||||||||frugal ————————— big spender
|||optimist ————————— pessimist
||collected ————————— wild|||||||||
|diligent ————————— lazy||||||
||||||tough ————————— sensitive


|extrovert ————————— introvert|||||
|honest ————————— deceptive|
||leader ————————— follower
polite ————————— rude||||||
||||friendly ———————— intimidating
humorous ———————— serious||||||||}|

tech savvy——————————
street smarts——————————
handling animals——————————
pacifying children——————————
higher power|||||||||||||||||||——————————


movie: portrait of a lady on fire
show: derry girls
book: pride and prejudice
band/artist: johann sebastian bach
song: claire de lune - claude debussy
color: green
food: chocolate cake
drink: chai
ice cream flavor: rocky road
chicken nugget dipping sauce: none (picky eater)
animal: deer
place: antique stores
season: autumn
thing: antiques/trinkets


  • has really poor vision in human form

  • very easily impressed by technology but also kind of scared of it

  • paints with oil paints and mostly does landscapes, still lifes and portraits

  • very squeamish and faints at the sight of blood

  • afraid of the dark and thunder

  • plays the harp

  • has synesthesia

  • has very sensitive ears/hearing (came down from space where sound doesn't travel and everything is super quiet)

  • very picky eater

  • blushes very easily

  • what's in luna's bag (crochet cross-body bag): basic flip phone that sol got her (she doesn't use it bc she's scared of it), book, portable painting set, canvas sketchbook

  • nickname is lulu

  • smells like cinnamon and brown sugar

  • "luna" means moon


the moon, roses, tulips, lavender, irises, stars, shooting stars, constellations, galaxies, classical/renaissance paintings, stained glass windows, religious imagery, crows, deer, lambs, swans, statues, candles, lace, antique dolls & stuffed animals, quilts

voice claim: haven't found one for her yet :(


click here for a google drive folder with a high quality version of this ref + notes + colors + additional refs


gender: genderqueer/unlabeled (she/they/it)
sexuality: queer/unlabeled
species: human
ethnicity: australian
birthday: july 22
height: 5’3” / 160 cm
age: 18+
alignment: chaotic good

likes: gardening/botany, foraging, rocks, sticks, all terrestrial & marine life (frogs, pigeons, fish, & isopods/pill bugs/roly polies in particular), dinosaurs, marine biology, summer, long walks on the beach, minecraft, roblox, pokemon, hatsune miku, stick-n-poke tattoos, the beach, beach volleyball, minigolf, 90s sketch comedy, close-up magic, hardware stores, bass pro shops, sitcoms, jerma985, garfield, overalls, striped clothes, decora & harajuku fashion, sandals/clogs/crocs, rollerblading, longboarding/skateboarding, surfing, karate, fishing, fishing minigames in video games, bridges, dnd, orbeez, fruits/fruit flavored things, pickles, dill flavored chips, orange soda, caprisun, vegemite, banana splits, fairy bread, soft serve ice cream
dislikes: long pants, tight pants/leggings, dishwashers

extremely energetic, happy-go-lucky, and enthusiastic but clumsy and scatterbrained. seems not to understand/care for social norms and often says/does things without thinking. once given the opportunity to talk she will often keep talking until something or someone stops her. is very assertive and isn’t afraid to stand up for herself or others even if it gets her into trouble. has "childish" interests and personality but isn't necessarily immature or unintelligent; sees the world with childlike whimsy and wonder. a positive nihilist ("life is inherently meaningless and nothing can be known for certain so i'm going to have fun while i'm here"). always tries to see the good in people and is overly optimistic to the point her expectations are unrealistic and she is over-trusting and naive; tends to waltz straight into danger. has a pet frog named bo.has lived her whole life on her parents' cattle ranch in australia. currently working part-time at a small diner and helping her parents with the ranch.



||||||||||brave ————————— cowardly
|||pacifist ————————— violent|
thoughtful ———————— impulsive|||
||agreeable ————————— contrary
||||idealistic ————————— pragmatic
||||||||||frugal ————————— big spender
|||optimist ————————— pessimist
||collected ————————— wild|||||||||
|diligent ————————— lazy||||||
||||||tough ———————— sensitive


|extrovert ————————— introvert|||||
|honest ————————— deceptive|
||leader ————————— follower
polite ———————— rude||||||
||||friendly ————————— intimidating
humorous ———————— serious||||||||}|

tech savvy——————————
street smarts——————————
handling animals——————————
pacifying children——————————
higher power|||||||||||||||||||——————————


movie: barb & star go to vista del mar
show: azumanga daioh
book: magic tree house
band/artist: the B-52s
song: everything is awesome - tegan and sara & the lonely island; i gotta feeling - black eyed peas; party rock anthem - LMFAO, humuhumunukunukuapua'a - sharpay evans; down under - men at work; rock lobster - the B-52s; i'm gonna be (500 miles) - the proclaimers; koinu no carnival - ehamic (all of these at the same time. i can't choose and neither can she)
color: all of them
food: fairy bread
drink: caprisun
ice cream flavor: superman
chicken nugget dipping sauce: ketchup
animal: fish (loves all of earth's creatures)
place: her parents' ranch
season: summer
thing: rocks and sticks


  • the only way i can describe her gender is she's just sol. sol is sol. she has never thought about her gender once in her life and doesn't know what a pronoun is. if you ask her what her pronouns are she says "of course i'm pro-nouns!"

  • has a heavy australian accent

  • collects rocks, cool sticks, bottle caps, buttons, etc

  • extremely indecisive and often outsources her decision-making to random chance like flipping a coin or asking the magic 8 ball

  • really good at close-up magic

  • isn't stressed because she simply doesn't think about things that are stressful

  • incapable of telling a lie not because honesty is important to her (also true) but because lying has never even crossed her mind as an option (would be an awful liar anyway)

  • either makes no eye contact at all or makes way too intense eye contact

  • saved bo (the frog on her head) from being trapped under a log in the woods one day and bo followed her back home and when she tried to put him back in the forest he followed her back again so sol decided to just keep him. he goes with her everywhere and hates everyone indiscriminately except for sol. he can seemingly telepathically communicate but only with sol (and his messages are usually too cryptic for her to understand). he does not have the needs or desires of a normal frog (he will not eat any bugs, he only accepts medium rare steak and fresh fruit)

  • hugs (or tries to hug) almost everyone she meets as a greeting

  • braids and unbraids her hair when she's nervous

  • has a tshirt with her own drivers license photo printed on it

  • still has to do the L trick with her left hand to tell which is left and right

  • a huge advocate for library cards

  • has no concept of numbers larger than 100

  • forages a lot of her own food

  • drinks like 3 gallons of water a day

  • plays dnd every saturday

  • is forklift certified

  • knows how to weld

  • her eyebrows look like that because she plucked half of them off in middle school and they just never grew back

  • her hair grows unnaturally fast and is extraordinarily thick; if you shaved her bald it'd grow back half a centimeter within a day. experiments with her hair a lot and wears lots of different hairstyles and is very carefree when cutting/trimming it bc she knows it'll just grow back; has had almost every kind of hairstyle at some point including a bowl cut and a mullet and a mohawk

  • i draw her hair pink but she is functionally a redhead. she would need extra anesthesia at the doctor

  • has all of the building instructions for the lego millennium falcon memorized

  • proud owner of several isopod colonies (her favorite morph is clown/montenegro/armadillidium klugii)

  • has over 1000 hours in american truck simulator

  • put a fishing minigame in a video game and she will play it. she will buy a video game just to play the fishing minigame. she'll probably play the fishing minigame more than the actual video game. she has a tier list of every fishing minigame in every game ever

  • can speak to fish (they just understand her)

  • owns at least a couple american flag tshirts/cargo shorts/baseball hats even though she's not american. she doesn't know how she got them they just showed up in her closet one day

  • knows how to make balloon animals

  • owns an entire period-accurate medieval armor set that she had custom made to fit her specifically

  • absolutely never wears full length pants. the longest pants she will wear is calf length but she prefers knee length or shorter. even in winter she will not wear full length pants (but she lives in australia so that usually isn't a problem). if she wears full length pants she will have sensory overload and DIE

  • is on level 4782 of candy crush and plays it every day

  • is always on wikipedia. has like 17 wikipedia articles open on her phone/laptop at all times. when she's bored she doesn't scroll social media she reads wikipedia articles like it's the newspaper and clicks every blue link. has the wikipedia page for trout bookmarked on all her devices and every link is purple

  • says homeowner like ho-meow-ner

  • huge hatsune miku/vocaloid fan and has tons of miku merch; favorite producer is pinnochioP

  • goes on fishing trips and does minigolfing with akane

  • wants to visit every single aquarium in the world (has already visited every single aquarium in australia)

  • sleeps with a huge trout plushie at night (it's 4 feet long) (its name is fortnite awesome)

  • obsessed with 90s sketch comedy shows like mtv's the state and stella shorts (shoutout charlie)

  • uses object emojis to communicate things (ex. "does that sound good?" "🏏") (also cr to charlie for this one)

  • has dyslexia & dysgraphia

  • every single friday night she watches 1 episode of azumanga daioh. she will achieve this no matter what. she has watched the whole anime multiple times over

  • her bedtime is 10 o'clock sharp and if she misses it she will be very cranky the next day

  • falls asleep in like 30 seconds

  • is one of those wakes up at 6am, does yoga, meditates atop a mountain, drinks smoothies every day kind of person, but in a cool quirky way not in an instagram lifestyle blogger kind of way

  • has trouble pronouncing long words and often stutters/trips over her own words (her brain thinks faster than her mouth can move)

  • has a photorealistic tramp stamp tattoo of a jar of vegemite

  • there is not a single food or texture that she dislikes. she will eat anything

  • is mostly vegetarian (still eats meat but not often) (she just likes fruits and vegetables a lot)

  • afraid of dishwashers (doesn't trust them)

  • gets super attached to inanimate objects; takes turns sleeping with all of her stuffed animals so none of them feel left out

  • always wearing mismatched socks

  • avid roblox and minecraft player

  • owns a theremin and an omnichord

  • matches the color of her hair ties to the color of her crocs (she owns both in every color)

  • has a rubber band ball that she's been adding to since 3rd grade

  • owns a ton of band tees from random bands/artists she's never listened to; when asked to name 5 songs somehow she is able to (also cr to charlie <3)

  • has a nearly photographic memory but never for the important stuff (can remember what she had for breakfast on a tuesday in february 5 years ago but not people's names or birthdays or deadlines)

  • always keeps a pen on her no matter what

  • can imitate animal sounds perfectly

  • has a twitter account with 17.2k followers that no one who knows her irl knows about, the username is sweatyballs724952, she uses twitter like its a diary and just tweets her thoughts and people eat it up and every tweet goes viral (she doesn't realize bc she has all notifications turned off)

  • plays the kalimba (thumb piano)

  • tends a small vegetable garden

  • gets extremely excited whenever she sees an unusually large vegetable (at the store or in her garden or otherwise)

  • has an entire drawer full of random sticker sheets; has a sheet of gold star stickers that she keeps on her and gives to people she likes

  • owner of a 'women want me fish fear me' baseball cap

  • has a MILF 'man i love fishing' tshirt because she thinks MILF actually stands for man i love fishing

  • releases all the fish she catches (she just likes looking at them)

  • has broken her arm twice, in the same spot, doing the same thing, almost immediately after getting the cast off

  • has gotten her tongue stuck on a frozen metal pole by licking it like in movies

  • ate dirt and sand and food off the floor and licked handrails and probably other stuff as a child but has an impenetrable immune system now

  • uses patterned shirt ties as headbands

  • listens to all her music on an ipod nano or CDs with her hello kitty CD player

  • loves physical media and has a huge CD collection

  • full name is solis but no one calls her that (she will think you're mad at her if you call her that)

  • uses bing (not on purpose she just doesn't know how to change her default browser)

  • eats mayonnaise by the spoonful, eats strawberries whole and takes bites out of lemons

  • really into car mods and drives a green volkswagen beetle modified to be a pickup truck in the back

  • is a really bad driver but has somehow never gotten into an accident. she narrowly avoids an accident every time she drives

  • was president of several clubs in high school and did almost every single extracurricular

  • was super popular in high school (the type of popular who was friends with everyone but no one knew she was friends with everyone but everyone knows her and loves her)

  • is a black belt in karate

  • has the sense of smell of a bloodhound and can smell waffles from a mile away like donkey

  • nickname is scooter

  • what's in sol's bag (clear iridescent children's school backpack w/ sea turtle keychain): duct tape wallet, ipod nano, wired headphones, hot pink sparkly flip phone w/ tons of stickers and phone charms, cool rocks, 1 gallon water bottle, fruit snacks, granola bars, spiral notebook w/ rainbow leopard print front cover, fish pencil case (contents: glitter ink pen w/ a pompom on the end of it, novelty erasers, sticky notes shaped like animals etc), gold star & smiley face sticker sheets, hello kitty bandaids, smashed pb&j sandwich in a ziploc bag all the way at the bottom

  • smells like fresh moss, citrus and fruit snacks

  • "solis" means sun


the sun, summer, daisies, dandelions, dirt/mud, rocks, sticks, grass, water, fish, slide whistles, propeller hats, rainbows, sparkles/glitter, stickers, fruit, the beach, seashells, candy, digital cameras, clashing colors/patterns, buttons, bandaids

voice claim: megumi han (specifically megumi han as atsuko kagari in little witch academia)


click here for a google drive folder with a high quality version of this ref + notes + colors + additional refs


gender: agender (any pronouns)
sexuality: aroace
species: unknown
ethnicity: N/A
birthday: october 31
height: 5’0” / 152 cm
age: unknown
alignment: neutral evil

likes: sweets, rhythm games, cherries/cherry flavored things, sour candy, steak, weed, energy drinks, moonshine, pb&j sandwiches, halloween, april fools day, the banjo, poker, roulette, anarchy, stealing things, evildoing, plotting and carrying out extremely elaborate revenge schemes, explosions, fire, chainsaws, overly complicated character designs, partying, huge cars, car-dependent infrastructure, brutalist architecture, gothic architecture, your mom jokes, the numbers 420 and 69, gothic & gothic lolita fashion, spreading disinformation on the internet, maximalism, baroque furniture, bothering people
dislikes: cats, children, babies, romance, organized religion, rainbows, pastel colors, christmas, valentine's day, minimalism, money, rich people, politicians, law enforcement, all forms of government, capitalism, the IRS

an anomalous omniversal being of unknown origin. mischievous, competitive, snarky, flamboyant, overdramatic, self-obsessed, confident to the point of arrogance, and generally obnoxious and insufferable. a trigger-happy thrill-seeker who frequently gets herself involved in police chases, fights, shootouts etc just for fun. everything she does is for the bit. has very loosely defined morals that often contradict. refuses to take anything seriously. is of beyond genius intelligence but never uses it for anything productive or beneficial. insanely petty and always holds grudges. steals candy from babies, robs grandmas, causes problems on purpose etc. abilities are undefined and perhaps unlimited but include immortality, dimension hopping, shapeshifting, time travel/time manipulation, and teleportation. has no known weaknesses and cannot be killed or destroyed.



*has little patience and lots of patience at the same time; has the patience to wait months, years, decades, even centuries for her evil plans to come to fruition but doesn't have patience when it comes to mundane things like waiting in line for something

|||||||||||brave —————————— cowardly*
|||pacifist ————————— violent|
thoughtful ————————— impulsive|||
||agreeable ————————— contrary
||||idealistic ————————— pragmatic
||||||||||frugal ————————— big spender**
|||optimist ————————— pessimist
||collected ————————— wild|||||||||
|diligent ————————— lazy||||||
||||||tough ————————— sensitive

*being brave requires you to feel fear, and akane does not feel fear
**does not have or use money. if she wants something she just steals it


*if she wants

|extrovert ————————— introvert* |||||
|honest ————————— deceptive**|
||leader ————————— follower
polite ————————— rude||||||
||||friendly ————————— intimidating
humorous ————————— serious||||||||}|

*not really an introvert or an extrovert. she doesn't need to "recharge" by socializing or not socializing; she can spend a week in complete isolation followed by a week straight of partying and not be bothered. she cannot be defined by human personality archetypes
**is honest when it comes to her opinions (ex. if someone with a bad haircut asks her "do you like my haircut" she is going to tell them they have an ugly haircut) but is deceptive if it benefits her/her evil plans

tech savvy——————————
street smarts——————————
handling animals——————————
pacifying children——————————
higher power*||||||||||||||||||——————————

*religious beliefs don't apply to her; she can jump to universes where gods exist and to ones where they don't


movie: cocaine bear
show: better call saul
book: the art of war
band/artist: none
song: woodpecker no. 1 - merzbow
color: black, red
food: raw a5 wagyu steak
drink: monster energy ultra red
ice cream flavor: raw beef (will settle for cherry)
chicken nugget dipping sauce: barbecue
animal: vampire bats
place: her house
season: no preference
thing: crime & hijinks


  • extremely good at rhythm games (like this:

  • can pick any lock with just a bobbypin

  • fluent in every single language; speaks english in a boston accent

  • boston is her hometown (not literally since she is an interdimensional being of unknown origin but she's spent the longest amount of time there and speaks with a boston accent and if you ask her where she's from she'll say boston. like when she first spawned into existence the first place in the whole multiverse she decided to go to was boston massachusetts and that's why she's like that. she's like a local legend there. the cryptid of boston)

  • you know those tiktoks of extremely stereotypical over-the-top american things, done ironically, like a huge monster truck with american flags all over it and the audio is the national anthem with bald eagle noises etc. that's akane. she's extremely patriotic but only ironically. she's american for the meme. she does not know what the fuck a kilometer is

  • is slightly radioactive. if you brought a geiger counter near her it would start beeping

  • has gone through many different names/aliases/pseudonyms, "akane" being the current one; changes identities/personas every few millennias or so

  • tells people her last name is gaylord

  • homophobic (for the bit)

  • can draw super hyperrealistically and is a better artist than any master that has ever lived but chooses to draw exclusively in the family guy art style

  • dislikes using guns as a weapon bc she thinks they're too easy; prefers melee weapons, blunt force objects, hand-to-hand combat etc. for the same reason she opts not to teleport somewhere if she can break in instead. enjoys making things harder for herself on purpose despite all her powers bc she likes the challenge

  • plays the banjo on random peoples' patios at 3am

  • eats completely burnt/blackened toast

  • periodically breaks into peoples houses and eats all their snacks and pours their milk down the sink and moves their furniture slightly so they stub their toes

  • submits crazy made up stories to celebrity gossip pages

  • has graduated harvard, stanford, yale, etc several times each and is infamous among the other immortals there but in like a "ugh it's akane again" kind of way. her presence is felt the moment she steps onto campus

  • jack of all trades and master of all because she's had enough time to become extremely skilled at virtually everything

  • has had almost every possible occupation/job at some point, a masters in all possible majors, and like 3 dozen PhDs

  • "akane brief stint as a stripper but her stomach would open five nights at freddy's style and eat everyone there" -charlie

  • blows cigarette smoke in people's faces

  • uses a flip phone just so she can dramatically snap it shut after ending a phone call. the flip phone is hot pink and sparkly and has lots of little stickers and phone charms on it. also owns several burner phones for various purposes

  • doesn't believe in money and refuses to make any monetary transactions whatsoever. if she wants something she just steals it. has wealth not in money but instead in the sheer amount of things she has collected/stolen over the years. she has items in her house that are worth millions and collectively all her stuff probably totals to hundreds of millions of dollars in monetary value but she does not care about that and does not have even a penny to her name in actual cash

  • if she wants a coffee or something from a shop she just walks behind the counter and makes it herself or grabs a random drink from the mobile orders area

  • loves coming up with new and interesting ways to insult people and never uses the same insult twice

  • stands still in public restrooms long enough for the automatic motion-sensing lights to turn off and doesn't move until the next person enters the bathroom and the lights turn on

  • can make a baby or young child start crying just by looking at it

  • has no internal organs (doesn't need them). her stomach is just a black hole

  • routinely hacks those highway/road maintenance screen signs to make them say things like "DOODOO FART" "HUGE PENIS AHEAD" "DETOUR: YOUR MOM" etc

  • has rabies and bites people to give them rabies

  • has a million tiny pockets on the inside of her jacket like drug dealers in cartoons; items in her pockets include: an ancient roman empire coin, a 12-sided dice, the aforementioned burner phones, a cinderblock, one of those pink pens with the pompom/feathers on the end of it, novelty erasers, an abacus, a silver dollar coin with her face and name minted on it, etc. the pockets are seemingly able to fit more stuff than they should, like mary poppin's bag

  • pretends not to understand modern technology and pop culture; says things like "kids these days" and "because of woke"

  • reads the newspaper every morning in an ancient leather reclining chair while smoking a comically large cigar

  • gets away with murder in increasingly ridiculous ways just to outdo herself

  • her body doesn't need sleep so she only sleeps recreationally; when she does sleep she sleeps for like a week straight like a hibernating bear. she sleeps flat on her back with her arms crossed over her chest like she's in a coffin

  • is besties with the grim reaper. they have tea together every sunday

  • goes onto knitting/crochet forums just to start insane knitting/crochet discourse and drama

  • goes on fishing trips and does minigolfing with sol (sol knows that there's definitely something up with akane and akane usually makes up some elaborate lie to explain her evil antics and sol is just like "okay❤️ yay❤️" but sol isn't stupid and akane knows that she knows and they're both just chill with it. sol is like a bug to her). their conversations are like half deep philosophical discussion about the meaning of life and other half "what is your opinion on the fall of the byzantine empire" or something. when they go on fishing trips they pass the blunt every time one of them catches a fish. they also do knitting/crochet together and talk about the recent forum drama (that akane started) and akane is like "yeah that's crazy"

  • uses bing (on purpose)

  • steals elevators out of multistory buildings overnight

  • the only holiday she cares about is halloween (also her birthday) and takes it way too seriously. throws a HUGE halloween party at her house every year for immortals and other anomalous beings only. posts flyers and airs commercials all across the multiverse to advertise it. immortals everywhere dread october 1 because that's when the advertisements start and they are inescapable. the party is at her house and has hundreds of attendees. after the party is over her house looks like this

  • 2nd favorite day of the year (after halloween) is april fools day

  • open-mouth coughs and sneezes on people

  • when she signs her name the "akane" part is in comic sans font and the "gaylord" part is in super cursivey, obnoxiously fancy handwriting

  • has a pet chihuahua named gaylord jr. it's one of those really angry chihuahuas and she carries it around under her arm like a purse. it is white with cloudy red eyes and has every disease. it has rabies and froths at the mouth. it does not age and can breathe fire. she claims she found it on the side of the road and feeds it a diet of raw flesh and pigs blood. she takes it for walks without a leash and lets it bite random peoples ankles. it eats couch foam

  • doesn't blink

  • lives in a huge house in the middle of nowhere that is full of all the stuff she has collected over the years. every room has a different ornate wallpaper, almost every inch of the walls are covered in framed paintings/shelves full of various items/other hanging decorations, furnished exclusively with vintage baroque furniture/antiques, chandeliers and candelabras and floating candles as light sources in every room, bookshelves and mysterious alien plants that never die in every corner, weird shower curtains, etc. every room is extremely maximalist and some rooms are so full of things it's hard to walk. the master bedroom looks like howl's room from howl's moving castle. there is not a single normal toilet in the entire house. there are at least 7 hidden bookshelf doors that lead to secret lairs. has framed photographs of her with weird al yankovic and snoop dogg and other celebrities in the foyer. the house seemingly doesn't obey euclidian geometry and is bigger on the inside than it is on the outside; rooms inexplicably change locations or disappear and reappear at random. the outside looks like gru's house from despicable me. it inexplicably changes locations every year, currently located in an uninhabited part of greenland. previous locations include: outback australia, siberia, antarctica, the boston suburbs, and ohio. the address number is 42069. (see also: her pinterest board has a section for her house)

  • has a comically large closet filled half with identical copies of her main outfit and other half with various weird/meme/novelty/high fashion clothing (see also: the style section of her pinterest board)

  • stole the mona lisa and replaced it with a fake and keeps the real one on display in her house

  • claims everything she wears is designer

  • drives a huge, lifted, monster truck-sized hearse with horns on the front and red flame decals. there are two american flags attached to the back. the passenger side is filled with empty cans of monster energy, blunt butts and various fast food wrappers. the back seats are completely full of random junk and more empty monster cans. the trunk is mysteriously stained. the exhaust shoots flames and leaks blood. it is obnoxiously loud and she drives it through suburban neighborhoods from 11pm-4am. like her and her house, it has anomalous behaviors and pops up in seemingly random places/whenever she happens to need it. it does not require fuel and does not have an engine. the blinkers don't work but she never uses her blinkers anyway. it has no seatbelts or safety features. the headlights and taillights are blindingly bright neon red LEDs. the rear view window and bumper are almost entirely covered in satire bumper/window stickers like "HONK IF YOU LOVE WEED", "please pardon my erratic driving i'm loading my gun", "warning does not play well with liberals", "i am currently on the run from the feds" etc. her license plate is FUCKYOU (not a registered license plate). drives like she's 5 stars wanted in gta and aims to cause an accident every single time she drives

  • doesn't even try to hide the fact that she is an immortal shapeshifting dimension hopper, everyone thinks she's just a chuunibyou or is really into LARPing

  • if you hold a crucifix up to her she cowers and shrieks (it doesn't actually hurt her she just does it for the bit); she also dissolves in holy water (voluntarily) (for the bit)

  • bo is the result of a petty skirmish she had with another god/interdimensional being who she turned into a frog and dumped in some random universe. several centuries later he was found trapped under a log by sol and named bo

  • evades taxes but also has no legal established identity or citizenship anywhere so they can't really tax her but she somehow does it anyway

  • ambidextrous

  • handwriting is a perfect replica of the comic sans font

  • “akane” (茜) means dark red/crimson


bats, coffins, spiderwebs, spikes, chains, flames, eyes (esp. multiple), anatomically correct hearts, explosions, weapons, basically anything weird/avant-garde or gothic

voice claim 1: fairouz ai

voice claim 2: kristen schaal (use your imagination for the boston accent)

voice claim 3 (sort of): @iamaliryan on instagram (idk the ethics of using some lady i found on instagram as an oc voice claim so i'm not gonna record her voice and upload it to google drive but she has akane's EXACT cadence and accent so if you're curious here's links to some reels of hers which are particularly good examples):